These Friday Five posts have been a little all over the place, talking about random things I love, emotions, catching up after vacation, food/supplements,…and more, but today I’m a bit more on topic and we’re talking training (mostly).
1. Hello October! For anyone who’s a member at our gym, SOS, you know that we switch to new workouts at the beginning of every month. This month’s workouts rock if I do say so myself! Don’t forget to check out SOS’s Facebook page to see some awesome pics of the day like the one below.
2. This week was the first time our entire staff worked out together. It’s just three of us and really it was the guys working out and then I joined them, but did my own workout. Either way, it was fun and good team building.
3. The last few weeks my workouts have been a bit off. My left quad has been hurting and I have been feeling tired. Time for a few days off from strength training to practice some things I learned at Becoming Bulletproof last weekend. I may throw in a few turkish get ups or swings this weekend, but really need to rest my body. (I will take my own advice and rest up because this is what my body wants and needs, right? Right.)
4. I get to see my RKC buddy today! Last time we got together we worked our butts off at the RKC. This time will be a bit more relaxed and will include more drinks/shopping and less kettlebells.
5. Aside from workouts and work, I also cooked a few delicious dinners, booked a trip to Baltimore/Annapolis for a wedding (and some much-needed husband/wife time!), and took CJ to get a haircut and to the doctors this week. It was quite a productive week overall. Look at what a big boy he is now!
Are you good at listening to your body when it needs rest? (I suck at it, but really trying right now.)
A long time ago I was overtraining and mandated that I take 2 rest days a week no matter what. That’s worked well for me for years now. I feel good, I can workout and then get a much needed break!
Hi Amanda – I actually have a quick question I am hoping you can help me with!? RKC testing. I know my weight won’t be low enough to use the 12kg for the snatch test – so 16kg it is BUT what weight is used for testing for all the other exercises? My main concern is that if I have to use the 16kg for the press then it’s just not going to happen and therefore I am thinking about pulling out of the RKC I have registered for. If it is the 12kg I am pretty confident I will be ok. Can you help me out please? I have searched the DD forums and requirements and I can’t read anything definte. Thanks for your help!!!
I am so stubborn but am learning more and more to listen to my body. This week is a good example – hello 11 classes taught – and I really pared back just about everything. Ran twice, that’s it, and am planning one tomorrow, but if I am still dragging, I won’t. And I know I will keep that promise 😉 I am glad you listened to your body too and hope your quad rests up! Have a great weekend friend!