How do you start your day? Grumpy? Frustrated? Tired? Or…excited?
I know someone who wakes up really happy (maybe not all the time, but certainly 95% of the time). He’s usually all smiles when I walk into his room in the morning. All four limbs are going crazy because he just can’t wait to get up and start the day.
He gets right down to business playing.
He plays, eats, plays some more and wears himself out enough to take a nap. Then he does it all again. Life is good for CJ. He puts himself first because he doesn’t know any other way.
If only it were that simple for us adults, right? We spend our days stressing out about sixty million things instead of just enjoying life. I admit it, I am guilty of this most of the time too. Despite feeling selfish when I put myself first, I know that when I take some time here and there to do something I love I am happier, which ultimately makes me a better mom, wife, daughter, friend and coworker.
The early morning hours are usually the only time in my day that I consistently get to put myself first. During the rest of the day, I’m taking care of my son, working, cleaning, cooking or doing any of the other bazillion chores on my to-do list.
I usually this morning ‘me time’ non-negotiable (unless I have a sick baby or something…). I go to sleep early so that it’s not complete torture waking up at 5:00am. I plan ahead and get my workout clothes out the night before. Sometimes I don’t think about anything at all outside of my training. Other times I pray. Sometimes I think or plan. But no matter what, it’s my time and it makes me happy.
Outside of training, I honestly stink at making time for myself. I think this is super common, especially with moms. We feel like taking time for ourseves to get a pedicure, massage, work out, or even go to the mall or grocery store alone makes us a bad mom. Deep down I know that taking a few hours for myself every now and then does NOT make me a bad mom. It doesn’t mean I love my son or my husband or my friends any less, but sometimes I need to take care of me and do what I want without worrying about anyone else.
If this post has started those wheels turning and you want to read more…head on over to BlogHer to read more about ways you can focus on yourself to boost your happiness and don’t forget to enter to win a Kindle Fire by sharing your Life Well Lived family moment.
When and how do you put yourself first?
I totally agree with you. I often battle guilty mom feelings but when I am in the gym I love to put my headphones on and just go.It IS tough sometimes however to go knowing that baby is sick, or work needs to be done around the house….but I know when I get back I am a much happier mom.
Exactly. It’s normal to feel a little guilt, but honestly if it makes you a happier and better mom when you get back…it’s so worth it! 🙂
Great post. I don’t have children, but I really do believe in making time for yourself. I know how much happier my sister was once she started doing that and not feeling guilty. I guess hitting the gym, getting in my workouts is how I put myself first.
It’s important for EVERYONE to make time for themselves…not just for parents! 🙂 Seems like working out is a common theme here, which doesn’t surprise me with this audience. Training really is beneficial, mentally and physically!
I can definitely agree with taking some time for yourself. With my husband gone for the year the kiddos start to make me a little bit nutty. So for my me time I get a babysitter once a month and I get to go on a nice long run (that is not on a treadmill) and wear my headphones all without stopping to offer snacks or juice or deal with arguing children in the stroller. It definitely saves my sanity and makes me sooo much nicer to my kiddos 🙂
Wow momma….you definitely deserve that….and a whole lot more with him gone for an entire year!
I <3 this post. I loved that you started with CJ because that totally puts things in perspective. It's true, outside of working out, I have a hard time putting myself first, although I've been working on that this year. I guess I feel like working out = putting myself first so I think that that's my one pass? But I believe that taking time to put yourself first makes you a better and happier wife/mom/individual.
I’m realizing that he puts a lot of things into perspective for me – I just think kids and their innocence is so awesome. Sounds like you are like me and put yourself first by making workout time for yourself. I guess it’s even a double pass bc not only are we getting happier, we are getting healthier too. 🙂
I am so glad your ‘me’ time is non-negotiable for the most part, in those early mornings. That must make a world of difference. But I am glad you are also mindful that you still need to do a better job of it. I think we all can. And we should never apologize for taking time for ourselves. Great post!
It definitely does make a world of difference! Just another thing to work on, right? 🙂
We’re on a very similar wavelength my dear. Even though I’m not a mom, as a woman — I think it’s just so much harder to put yourself first without feeling guilty or selfish for doing so. For me, I struggle with learning to slow down, to stop feeling like I always have to be DOING something, proving my value in every area of my life. Instead of taking a step back and saying you know what? Today, it’s ok to “just” be good enough. It’s ok to slow down or even stop.
I think it’s even all people, not just women. I know my husband feels the same way I do…like we always have to be working and getting things done! I just have such a hard time relaxing or treating myself to something even when I know it’s something I deserve!