Last week was not my favorite week of pregnancy…at least physically. I realize that I really have nothing to complain about because I’m not having serious complications and I’m not on bedrest. But…all in all last week was honestly a bit tough.
I’ve had some pain in my groin for a few weeks and have tried to ignore it. Last week it got really bad and I was limping/waddling way more than I should be at 29 weeks. Finally, I decided I needed to take it easy working out and even take a few days completely off. I also got a prenatal massage on Saturday morning which was heavenly. I had her focus more on my hips and legs than I normally would.
I started feeling better on Saturday afternoon and hubby and I had a super productive day working around the house (nesting), getting things organized, cleaned, etc. I was changing the sheets on our bed and dislocated my shoulder when I tried to ‘fluff’ the comforter. Unbelieveable – only I would get hurt changing the sheets, but not doing kettlebell snatches and swings at 29 weeks pregnant.
I’ve mentioned before that during pregnancy your joints can become hyper mobile due to the production of a hormone called relaxin. While I appreciate the fact that relaxin is loosening my joints to make labor and delivery easier I wish it would ease up a little for the next few weeks/months while I’m still trying to stay active. 🙂 I dislocated my shoulder trying to press the 16K Kettlebell (about 35 pounds) overhead a few years ago. That time was a lot more painful so I’m thankful that this time I was holding a blanket in front of me instead of a heavy Kettlebell overhead. My shoulder popped back in pretty quickly and the pain is already decreasing so the recovery should be short and sweet, but between that and my groin pain, I really felt like an old lady this weekend.
That said, I continue to learn more and more about my body and pregnancy in general, which is going to help me with my clients in the future. That’s what I keep reminding myself…
For those of you looking for some more real pregnancy talk, a few other ‘fun’ symptoms I have been experiencing during the last few weeks:
- Excessively dry hands regardless of how much hand lotion I use…and even peely ears!
- Fuzzy hair on the sides of my face.
- The inability to get comfortable when falling asleep.
- Being starving before I eat and way too full afterwards.
- Dizziness when I sit at my desk for too long.
- Peeing non-stop…getting up at least 3 times at night and only being able to workout for about 10 minutes before getting the urge to go again.
- Intense emotions. I remember crying about 3 times last week, but at this point I can’t even remember what it was about. Must have been important.
- Restless leg syndrome…kind of like ants in your pants when you have to sit still. 😉
- Red wine cravings (oh wait…that’s just me wanting what I can’t have).
Have you ever injured yourself doing something silly?
Ladies loss of memory and a slow thinking. I am not coping at work and im still. 4 weeks before i go on maternity. Is it normal?
I definitely had a really hard time concentrating at the end!!!
My boys are now 9 and 6 and are both great athletes with lean, strong bodies. I know that I have had a huge role to play here in that not only do my husband and I lead a fit lifestyle but that I was very active thru both pregnancies and that has set them up to be leaner, healthier kids. Keep doing what you are doing because you are creating a healthy, strong little being. Keep at it! 🙂
Sounds like your kids are doing great and you’re a great momma! Go you! Thanks for the continued encouragement. 🙂
Hey Amanda. I am a new reader to your blog as well as being a trainer and a mom to 2 boys. I read your pregnancy setbacks post with’s tough being an active person and surrendering yourself to the limitations of pregnancy. I was very active during both of my pregnancies and experienced quite a bit of joint laxity which prevented me from running and kickboxing. Needless to say, weight training was the one thing I could do that felt good and didn’t hurt. Do what feels good and doesn’t cause pain–remember that your body will be yours again soon and the tradeoff is immeasurable! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and stay healthy!
Hey Kris! Nice to “meet” you here. It’s always great to hear from other trainers, especially fit moms. 🙂 I’m absolutely 100% certain the payoff will be worth it in the end and I truly can’t wait to meet my lil guy! I really can’t even complain about my few injuries I have had since I have had a good pregnancy and I have been able to work out fairly hard the entire time. Just can’t wait to add all of my favorites back into my program and really get some butt-kickers in!