Another certification complete! 🙂
We all know that exercise alone does not lead to weight loss and/or good health.
That said, I knew I needed to learn more about nutrition in order to really help my clients get the results they’re looking for. I have been studying for my Precision Nutrition Certification since September and finally took (and passed) the exam this weekend! I was disappointed that it took me so long to study, but I will admit I slowed down quite a bit during my first trimester since I had no energy. I’m happy that I took my time to go through all of the material in detail so that I could really take it in. I’m psyched about using this information to help my clients with their nutrition habits. I love the theory behind everything that I’ve learned and it really reinforced the nutritional best practices I have developed over the past few years.
One confession: I have not been doing everything that I know I should nutrition-wise during this pregnancy….generally speaking I eat well 85%-90% of the time, but during pregnancy I have gotten more like a C…instead of my usual A in this category. I’m working on it and trying to take my own advice despite any aversions and/or cravings!
In this course, not only did I learn more about the science of nutrition, but I learned how to be a better coach. This certification focused on teaching me how to help my clients (especially those who are already exercising) make improvements in health, performance and body composition. No fad diets, no crazy weight loss drugs. Just ways to live a healthy life and eat in a nutritious yet sustainable manner that can be kept up for life.  🙂
I will continue to share nutrition advice here based on what I’ve learned in this course as well as I what I’ve learned (and will continue to learn) from experience, reading, researching and talking to others in the industry!
What are some nutritional changes you already know about right now that you can implement to improve your health?
Since some time has passed since you recieved the PN certification, has it helped your marketability? I’ve been reading and researching different nutrition cert options and PN is the one that really caught my eye. I’ve been considering signing up for the next class but I’m hesitant to pay out that much money for a certification that I may not use very often. I understand that with this certification I will not be able to create an actual meal plan or work with people with certain illnesses and diseases. With that being said, what all, legally, can I do or say to a client in regards to nutrition with the PN certification? Thanks for your input!
Hi Brandon – I loved the PN Certification. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to use it as much as I would have liked at this point only because I have a full time job as a marketing manager and have only had time to train clients on the side. That said, now that our gym is open and I am training more, clients are VERY interested in the nutrition side of things. You can absolutely create meal plans and help people make better choices, you just can’t prescribe a diet plan as a solution to a medical problem. Does that help? Happy to chat more over email if you want.
I am considering embarking on the PN cert as it will be available again on March 7th and would love any advice or feedback about the program. I think the thing that separates the PN cert from other nutrition certifications is the information about coaching clients to adopt better eating habits. Would you agree?
Any advice or info about making the decision for myself?
Do you think the cost of the program will increase your marketabilty and professionalism as a health fitness professional/afficianato? (sp?)
Thanks so much.
Hi Penny – I had a great experience with PN. I studied quite a bit before taking the exam, but did really well. It’s a ton of information, but I’ve found that the system works really well. Yes, I definitely agree that is the difference w/ this cert and also just the amount and type of information that you get. I liked that it was go at your own pace and you could take the test when you were ready. I got pregnant when I first started studying and had to take a few months off, but then hopped back into it and tested when I was ready. Yes, I definitely think the knowledge and cert will help my marketability. If you have specific questions I’m happy to answer, but overall I really liked it! 🙂
I was wondering what your educational background is. I am thinking of enrolling in the PN certification but have no college. Would I be able to do this? I am completing my personal training certification now. What do you think?
Sharon – I have a bachelors degree in business (marketing). I have always been interested in health and fitness so I got my Personal Training Certification through National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA – CPT), and took the Functional Movement Screen certification. After those I decided I wanted to be able to incorporate more nutrition into my work with clients and signed up for PN. I studied…a lot…because it was different than any course work I have ever done. I still have a lot to learn, but by spending a good 6-9 months studying often I passed with no problem at all and learned a ton! Happy to answer any more questions you might have.
The best thing I have done so far is completely avoiding grains and replacing them with nutrient-dense food. Plus I have cut out all food that is high in Omega-6 fatty acids – not alway an easy task but totally worth it!