As a mommy-to-be you always hear about how much laundry you’re going to have and how many diapers you’re going to have to change once your little one arrives.
While I do have more laundry it’s only about an extra load or two a week. I do change a lot of diapers (and some days a lot of outfits), but I really don’t mind those things.
What I really feel like I spend my time doing is cutting up food, washing the high chair tray…and seat…and the floor around it…and my kid. It’s constant. CJ eats about 4 times (check out what he ate one day last week) a day and usually gets food all over the place.
In comes the outfit change (sometimes), but like I said that’s not what gets to me. I do the best I can to clean up the area, but I never quite get everything off the floor. Lately, I am always stepping on something in the kitchen reminding myself to vacuum. Then when vacuuming doesn’t quite take care of the blueberry, banana and avocado reminince on my floor I tell myself I’ll mop tomorrow.
Even having to vacuum and mop way more might not be so bad, but Connor HATES the vacuum. Like really hates it. Pulls a full on temper tantrum starting when he sees it. He doesn’t like the Shark steam cleaner either. For some reason even though it’s not that loud it makes him cry.
I can’t really figure out where all of this came from since he doesn’t mind the hair dryer or the blender, but maybe it’s because he heard the other two often when he was first born and never really heard or saw the vacuum? I didn’t need to vaccuum that much when he was little since he didn’t make a mess and it was just hubby and I. Now…I need to vacuum way more and can’t make it happen…at least not without making my kid cry.
Besides cleaning my son’s high chair, my other least favorite mommy chores include changing the crib sheet and changing the diaper pail.
I don’t want you to think I’m complaining because these are all silly things and I love my son so much that I’d clean his high chair 10 times a day if I had to. I mean look at this kid.
What are your least favorite mommy chores?
I can only imagine the additional laundry a little one adds to!!
Yup – lots of laundry, but for some reason that really doesn’t bother me! 🙂
I’d imagine that I’d hate to change the crib sheet. I’ve done it once and it seemed like a big pain.
It really is a pain, but I’m starting to get a little better at it. 🙂
That’s why you need a dog. I never have to clean up food off the floor- Lola takes care of that for us!!
HA! I think a dog is the last thing I need right about now. Maybe I’ll just hire one of the neighbor’s dogs (preferably not the one that bit me a few months ago) to come lick my floor clean.
Cleaning up after they get sick all over the bed, in their hair, on their clothes, etc….definitely my least favorite mommy chore! Luckily I have a strong enough stomach that I am not a sympathetic puker, but it’s been close on occasion!
Ewww! I haven’t had to deal with that one yet. Sounds like a pretty bad one. haha 🙂
Try getting a high chair that attaches directly to the table, that way things don’t fall off the front of the tray. I use the Chicco one that costs about $35. This way Isla gets to eat with the family and learn table manners by watching us. Buy the LARGE bibs that are wipe-able and catch food at the bottom. (I think Ikea has a few of these for cheap) Usually a Clorox wipe is enough for me to get food out from under the table after Isla eats so I don’t need to worry about gunking up my broom or dragging out a mop.
As for the chore I hate- It is also dishes. We don’t have a dishwasher and our sink is pretty shallow so it always looks messy. When I do the dishes I try to remember how blessed I am to have been able to eat unlike many others.
You are so positive! I love that…I’m going to be thankful for being able to eat next time I am scrubbing the mess… 🙂 Great idea.
We have the Chicco one that we use at my parents and we just realized we had it on the wrong setting…we could never figure out why there were a few inches between the chair and the table. haha
Dishes! I absolutely despise doing the dishes. I hate getting my hands wet. I hate sponges. I hate the fact that we don’t have a disposal so we have to clean out the drain. I hate that Lyle mushes all food to smitherines so it’s all goopy and gross and all over everything. YUCK dishes are gross.
Annnd then there is laundry and changing poopy diapers. Those aren’t so much fun either.
Ewww…I hate sponges too. The whole cleaning high chair and dish thing are definitely my least fav. Laundry I don’t mind nearly as much. 🙂