Since my son turned one recently (2 months ago already!) I thought it would be interesting to highlight a few of our favorite things and must-haves for one year olds!
Playtex Straw Sippy Cups
We had a really hard time with sippy cups at first, but now CJ does fine with all of the ones that we have. The kid gets so excited about water…hopefully that keeps up. These Playtex straw sippy cups are our favorite ones, but we like some other ones too.
Yup…still sucking away. I know I need to make a plan about how to get him off of this thing, but it’s honestly really useful for both of us right now. Someone was telling me that you can put a hole in the tip with a pin so that it doesn’t satisfy them as much anymore and they don’t want it? Anyone tried that?
Love my strollers. Yes plural. I have the Chicco Liteway Stroller for running errands or traveling and I have the Baby Jogger Summit XC
for long walks/runs, mostly around the neighborhood.
Connor loves fruit, especially berries. He is a really great eater, but he definitely has days where he’s picky or doesn’t feel like eating. He will almost always eat fruit though. Favorites include blueberries, rasberries, blackberries, strawberries, peaches and watermelon.
Video Monitor
I think I mentioned this when he was a newborn, but I just love using a video monitor. It’s so much easier to get CJ to nap longer or fall back sleep when I can see what he’s doing. I can usually tell if he’s up for good or just fussing a little bit, but will fall back asleep. Plus, it gives me a little peace of mind when I can look at him every time I wake up in the middle of the night without going in his room. Ours actually broke and we got a new one right away. We got an Infant Optics one and we really like it so far.
Obviously there are plenty of other things we use for this guy, but I wanted to just highlight a few things that we use every day and that make our lives so much easier.
Moms, what are some of the must-haves for your baby/toddler?
We have the Chariot stroller (with jogging wheel) and it is worth every penny! I dont run, but this thing is so all-terrain that we can do major trail walks and hi ll repeats with ease! We can’t wait to throw the ski conversion kit on it and take babe out xcountry skiing this winter! My guy is only 3.5 months old, so I am going to bookmark this post and comments for down the road. Happy birthday, CJ!!!!
I think jogging strollers are a must even if you’re not going to run! I only recently started running a little bit with CJ, but it’s just so much smoother for long walks and if you’re going on the beach or grass at all!
Oh yes, fruit is a must! Parker (15 months) puts away a ton of it! We love the First Years Take n Toss cups because there’s no valve. And a good umbrella stroller is crucial – love our Maclaren Volo.
We had to take out the valves for a little bit too, but he does okay with those now. 🙂
Good stuff! Kay is FINALLY transitioning over to a sippy cup vs. bottle. She is also a fruit aholic (especially bananas and any form of melon). Other must haves? Legos, stuffed animals, books, anything with buttons 😉
Legos – yes! Books – yes (except more to carry around and say “Book” than to read)! 🙂
I cut the tip off all my son’s pacis and told him they were broken. He was around 2 (we had been doing the night/nap paci only for a bit), and it only took a few days, minus the hidden stash he seemed to have around the house! He had no interest in broken pacis and soon forgot about them.
I love the video monitor too!
So interesting! I had never even heard of that, but sounds like a lot of people have had success with it.
My little girl is 10.5 months and I agree with all of these. Well, except the pacifier. I didn’t want it to become an issue later in toddlerhood so we took hers away at 6 months. It was so easy! Just stopped offering it & she forgot all about it. But I have heard about slowly cutting bits off the tip & just saying “it’s broken!” to help wean them off it. On a similar note, Lyric has a lovey that I guess has replaced the pacifier, she snuggles with those aden & anais swaddle blankets at night & for naps. I always have one with me when we’re out too. Helps prevent meltdowns.
Wowee! Good for you taking the paci away that early. We definitely still rely on it when he’s being loud. haha
I totally 100% agree on every one of these things!!
I wish Lyle would figure out a straw though! We’ve finally got sippy cups all figured out but the straw is a whole different story. He puts it in his mouth and plays with it with his tongue.
Will you do another one of these for the toys that CJ is playing with and enjoying? I’m trying to figure out what to get L for his 1st birthday (2 weeks!) and I totally taking suggestions 🙂
Did you try the playtex straw ones like we have above? For some reason he can do that straw, but still can’t seem to get a regular straw yet (like if we try to use one at a restaurant).
I will definitely do another for toys…although his favorite toys are really not toys. They are DVD covers that he can stack, mixing bows that he can bang on, keys, dusters, etc. 😉
We switched our daughter to pacifiers just for naps/nighttime at about 18mo, and then didn’t take it away entirely until she was 2. It actually worked really well for us because at that point she was too old to care much about it missing.
Interesting! Thanks for sharing. 🙂 That makes me feel like we have a little time!
I have the same chicco stroller! I have no clue where it is though, because now with two, somehow we have amassed 5 strollers including a double. LOL
HA…I’m not surprised. I have heard that from other moms of 2+ kids!
Hailey is almost 11 months and she still LOVES her paci for sleeping. We’ll break her of it eventually, but I’m not ready to yet.
My must have it for my baby jogger city-mini. We use it for everything, it’s easy for me to handle being 5’1″ and I can close it with one hand. Love it!
Yes…easy to handle strollers are definitely a must!!! Moms have way too much to carry!