What I’m thankful for this week:
I’ve made it to full term – 37 weeks. Pretty darn thankful for that one, but I’ll give you another one that is a bit less obvious. 🙂
This week I am thankful for life’s experiences (good and bad) as well as unexpected opportunities. I have been trying not to get so bent out of shape over silly things lately and instead trying to focus on learning from experiences. If someone knows more than I do on a certain subject, I try to learn from them and soak up any information offered like a sponge. If someone is rude or disrespectful to me I think of it as a learning experience in how I want to act or do not want to act going forward.
Also, this week I am thankful that I’ve had the opportunity to inspire others. Check out this awesome tweet I got last weekend. I love that just by sharing what I am doing for workouts, someone else I’ve never met before can use my video to inspire a class. In case you missed the videos from 35 weeks you can see them here. I may make another video this weekend if I’m feeling ambitious.
Other great blog posts/articles I read this week:
- The most important operation and you can do it yourself. at StrengthCoach.com – Mike Boyle re-posted an article he wrote a few years ago about an operation called an addanasstomy (Add An Ass To Me). He points out that we are always so focused on losing (weight, fat, etc.) and never focused on gaining what’s important. Do you want to start filling out your pants properly?
- Confidence and Small Victories at Sexy and Strong – Nikki posted about how she is learning to stop being so negative towards herself and embracing the small victories. Posts like this inspire me to live in the moment, rather than always focusing on what’s next (I can use any reminder I can get on this one).
- The Subway Health Halo: Diners Underestimate Calories at Lisa Johnson Fitness – Lisa discusses how people assume something is healthy (either because it’s a “healthy restaurant” or because it’s a “healthier choice on a menu”) and end up eating way more calories than they think. For example, you might order a salad for dinner, but once you added the cheese, bacon, croutons and ranch dressing is it really healthier than the burger or chicken sandwich you really wanted?
What are you thankful for this week?
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