I know…it’s been 4 months since my little man was born and I owe you all a Banish the Baby Bulge Update on my progress. I’ll get that up next week!
As you know if you read my blog, I went back to work and I am maintaining a pretty crazy day-to-day schedule right now. My son goes to daycare a few days a week and I feel really lucky that we found somewhere we like. I know some parents have to switch their kids around a few times before finding a place they are comfortable.
I really struggled this summer as we were looking at different options and found myself in tears several times just thinking about sending my baby away for the whole day with strangers. That was before I even met him so I knew it would only get harder once he was here! Eventually we found a place we liked (or at least liked better than everything else!), but during the last few weeks of my maternity leave I couldn’t stop worrying about how things were going to go and if I was going to be able to handle it.
I knew CJ would be fine since he’s so easy going, but we did a trial run (which I totally recommend) where I left him off for a few hours one day the week before I went back to work. That way they knew him and it wasn’t a complete shock to me dropping him off on my first day back on the job. I also got my major breakdown out of the way that day so I didn’t have to show up to work looking like a basket case.
A month in, everything is going well, but I will admit I still worry about my little monkey non-stop during the day and miss him like crazy!
One day last week I showed up to pick up CJ and one of the women told me that he had his first injury report. UHHH SAY WHAT?
Of course when I heard he had an injury I freaked out for a minute. Once I heard more about what happened I realized that these things are going to happen when you get a few kids together in the same room, but either way, it’s not easy to hear your baby got injured. Cue guilt from being a working mom instead of being home with him…
On a lighter note, usually this is the kind of thing I read about when I pick him up…well this and what times he ate and peed and pooped. ๐
The best advice I can give to moms who are going to be leaving their baby off at daycare is to look around. There are some really different options out there. We found a few places that were so big I felt like Connor would be a number. We also looked at a few home daycares where I wasn’t sure I felt like he would get enough attention. I always thought I would have preferred to send him to a home daycare, but now I am really happy we didn’t go that route. Our daycare is small enough that everyone knows us, but big enough that I don’t have to worry about the provider getting sick and having no care that day, etc.
Of course I still wish I could be with my little guy more, but this schedule is working for us for now and he’s doing really well there. Now I just have to spend extra time snuggling him when I am not working!
Moms out there…any advice for other moms looking at daycares or other child care options?
I sent out 20 inquiries for child care and only got one back saying that they even have a space for an infant. Some places were telling me they have a 2 year waiting list! Thankfully I like the woman and her policies, not the most convienent but it doesn’t look like I can be too picky!
Yikes! Sounds like they are pretty darn full up by you. You can always keep looking around, but sounds like you better get your name on that waiting list. ๐ Sounds like you are comfortable with it, which is most important!
yes, daycare can be tough. When my son gets an injury report, sometimes the other kid has it worse :/ But in my daycare there is only one girl to 9 boys ๐ Yes, they will get in some trouble!
My advice to moms: Don’t freak out, don’t strangle the other kid and be as understanding as possible, these things happen!
I love that my son is in a daycare, he is reading all of his letters, has amazing social skills, shapes, everything @ 2.5years. I feel super confident in my decision.
HAHA…the other kid has it worse. I’m sure my hubby will be proud if that’s our son. (Sigh)
You’re right…these things happen and injuries can (and do) happen at home too!! So nice to hear a mom confident in your decision!
I wish I could be of help to you, but I’m clueless when it comes to daycare. I’m planning on staying home with the peanut once she arrives and to work a little from home.
Like I said to Jess above….just be grateful every single day that you get that opportunity and ENJOY it! ๐
I never went to daycare as a child…neither did my husband. Both of our moms stayed at home. Sure, I went to play group once a week where other kids/moms got together to socialize but never daycare.
Before we ever got pregnant, we both talked about how we’d prefer that for our own child – a stay at home mom.
Now that I AM preggo…I’m so grateful that we are in a position for me to stay home. No daycare. Yes, it’s a huge adjustment on everyone, but I’m grateful nonetheless. I don’t know if I could do it…super kudos to you.
That is really awesome that you get to do that and also that you’re HAPPY with your decision. ๐
Be super thankful because there are not a lot of moms who get that opportunity these days!
Great post! It’s never easy! We had an injury report yesterday too ๐
Moms – get to know the teachers at school and daycare…spend time in the room reading or playing with the kids. If you get to know the teachers and other kids, it makes it a little easier. And focus on the positives…my 2 year old who has been in school (daycare) since she was 4 months talks about her friends non-stop! She loves it.
Oh no! I hope the girls are okay! (I think it’s just Lily going right now??)
Great advice…that’s what I’m trying to do is focus on the positive. He’s doing awesome projects that he wouldn’t do if he was home with me all the time. These teachers are way more creative than I am! ๐