If you’ve ever been pregnant, it’s likely that you’ve experienced some interesting dreams. I used to think that I had crazy dreams before, but everything is much nuttier and more intense now.
I’ve woken my poor husband up crying, laughing and yelling in my sleep over the past few years due to weird dreams.
Enter last night. I think between a combination of too much sugar after dinner and my husband coming in late I didn’t sleep well. In the middle of the night I woke up screaming and then heard my husband asking if I was okay and if I was dreaming. Sigh.
Yes… I was dreaming. This time I was dreaming about a very dirty taco bell. Now, keep in mind I don’t know if I have ever even been to a Taco Bell. I mean I’m sure I have at some point, but not in my adult life. Last night I was visiting one of these fine establishments in my dream for some reason and it was DIRTY. There was a woman cleaning the counter and I was so disgusted that I was literally screaming.
How do I interpret this one?
- Nesting?
- Craving mexican food?
- Just crazy?
Regardless, I’m hoping for a better night tonight. 🙂
Have you had any crazy pregnancy dreams?
just came across your blog! you have some really insightful posts! can’t wait to see what you share next 🙂 xo ha although i’m not pregnant i’ve had some pretty crazy dreams thats for sure ahha
Hi Cait – thanks for the comment! I am following your blog as well. Can’t wait to catch up on your posts! Oh no…you’re going to be a nut when you’re preggo…I always have crazy dreams and now they are really just out of control.
Pregnancy dreams are all sorts of crazy! And they are so VIVID!!!! It’s insane. I always get crazy dreams when I eat sugar before bed too. Let’s just say I had a lot of madness going on during my sleep while pregnant. LOL
And totally think your dream means Nesting & Mexican!
Glad I am not the only one! People used to think I was kidding when I said it was the sugar before bed! Now if I have sugar on top of being preggo it’s out of control. Everyone tells me about all these great vivid dreams they had, but mine are not usually great…they are either weird or bad!