I had a poopy morning last week. Literally. But not even a diaper explosion can stop me from finishing my long cycle clean and front squat workout when I’m already warmed up and ready to go!
I’ve told you about my normal daily schedule, but like everything with a baby, schedules don’t always work out the way you plan.
I’ve mentioned that I work from home a few days a week and my son is home with me. On those days I still get up really early to fit in my workouts before he gets up. That way I can get still get started working at a decent time.
So last Thursday I woke up, pumped, got dressed and started warming up for my workout. I got through the warm up and heard my son waking up. Sometimes he’ll stay in his crib for a bit, but I had long cycle clean and front squats on the agenda that day so I didn’t want to get started and interrupted. I figured I’d just go get him and bring him downstairs with me while I finished working out.
I walked into his room and it smelled baaaad. Ah ha…at least I figured out why he woke up a bit early. I go to pick him up and my hand is soaked. With POOP. Not pee, poop. Yes folks, he pooped through his diaper, through his pjs, through his swaddle blanket and through the sheet. Impressive, huh? I could have taken a picture, but I’ll just let you use your imagination. (You’re welcome.)
Needless to say I didn’t quite get right back downstairs. By the time I got everything cleaned up and got started on my workout, I didn’t really feel like doing it anymore. Then again, I didn’t want to have to warm up and do that workout later. It’s not easy and I was already in the mindset of get ‘er done.
So that’s what I did. I talked about getting workouts in with a newborn (it’s not easy, but is possible). Same goes for fitting in workouts when you have an infant or child and you’re trying to manage a job and/or a million other things. I found a few days/times that work for my schedule and I do my best to stick to these times, even when I don’t always want to.
Here’s the workout I did for those of you interested. BTW – It’s called ‘long cycle’ because you re-clean the kettlebells every time. When I first learned what it was I asked my husband what a short cycle is. There is no such thing. Go figure. 😉
Long Cycle Clean and Front Squats
I used 2 12K Kettlebells.
Six ladders of 2, 4, 6…
- Clean the kettlebells and front squat, clean again and front squat again. That’s “2”.
- Recover.
- Clean and front squat, clean again, front squat again, clean again, front squat again, clean again, front squat again. That’s “4”.
- Recover.
- Clean and front squat 6 more times.
- That’s ONE ladder.
- Repeat this whole thing 6 times.
This is a total of 72 front squats. Ouch. That workout was kind of poopy too, but awesome once it was done…I felt good about it. 🙂
What’s your favorite time of day to workout?
Oh I can soooo relate to this! LOL
And I love how dedicated you are. Sometimes I feel judged for that…or at the very least that some people just don’t get it. Nice to have fellow mom friends committed to fitness. 😉