Let’s start with a few things {I believe to be true} about happy, self-confident people.
- They are usually genuine and real. They tell it like it is.
- They are confident in why they do what they do. They own their choices.
- They admit when they were wrong or when something didn’t go as planned.
- They adjust when something isn’t working. They don’t keep doing the same things that aren’t getting them results.
Notice that I didn’t say anything about happy, self-confident people being perfect. In fact, most are far from it. However, most happy, self-confident people are okay with taking risks and trying new things. With trial comes potential failure, but also the potential to learn from mistakes and grow as a person.
Getting a little more specific, people who are genuinely happy and self-confident own their fitness and nutrition choices. If they want to change something about their physical appearance or they have a specific strength goal, they’ll figure out a path to help them achieve that goal and go for it. If they decide to change plans a bit along the way, they do. And then they own that change too.
Happy, truly self-confident, people don’t doubt every food they eat or second guess their training program/styles all the time. They have friends who are BeachBody coaches, Advocare reps, personal trainers, yogis, and runners. They know someone who eats Paleo, someone else who does intermittent fasting and someone who swears gluten free is the way to go. They accept their friends choices, but don’t feel pressured to do something just because “it works for someone else.”
Here’s the thing…I have my opinions about all of the companies and “diets” above, but I’ve also learned that it really doesn’t matter how you eat or what type of training you enjoy. If the exercise you do and the way you eat makes you happy, and I’m talking that deep-down-inside type of happy (not that social-media-on-the-surface type of happy) it will probably “work” for you.
I touched on individualized nutrition in my recent post, the best diet for you.
I also alluded to something similar a long time ago in my post about finding my fitness passion. I remember being so programmed to think I had to run every single day or something terrible might happen. Seriously, what did I think would happen?
Looking back at all those forced hour-long runs outside and even longer cardio sessions at the gym, I’m thankful that I enjoy my training now. I set goals and work at achieving them. I get excited about my training sessions. I set strength goals instead of worrying about a number on the scale.
In today’s world we have access to so much information through social media and it’s easy to compare your life, eating habits, body shape and training program with everyone else around you. Although you may get some of your best training or meal ideas from social media, it can also have you doubting yourself if you’re not owning what you choose to do. Social media can provide the sense that everyone else is happy and perfect…and that no one gets what you’re going through. (Wrong.)
A lot of what you look like comes from how happy and confident you are and has very little to do with what you ate for lunch. If you’re happy, being yourself, and owning your decisions, your body will generally show it.
No, I’m not saying you should follow every single desire you have just so long as you own it. I’m not saying that sleeping in, skipping work, eating donuts and sitting on the couch every day is a good idea. Honestly, those things will not make you happy long-term. Once in awhile – sure! Go for it…and own those donuts, dammit. 🙂
What I am saying is that sometimes it’s important to stop worrying about what everyone else is doing and just be you.
Just because someone else eats Paleo doesn’t mean you need to ditch all grains and dairy and start chowing down on grass fed meat. Eat food that satisfies you, makes you feel good and helps you achieve your goals. Oh yah, and it helps A LOT if you also enjoy the food you eat.
If you’ve been taking Barre classes because your friends do them, but you’d really rather be lifting heavy weights, try something new. Just be you.
Eat food that makes you feel good. Do exercise that makes you happy. Always keep in mind, exercise must enhance your happiness and life, not control it. What you choose to do and what makes you happy may change many times. Our lives are dynamic and our exercise and nutrition choices must also be dynamic. What works for you now may change next year or every year for the rest of your life and that’s okay. Roll with it. Stay aware and own your choices. Realize that we are all different.
There are endless ways to stay healthy. Find foods and training styles that work for you and make you happy. Again, this isn’t a free license to eat donuts and be lazy 24/7 because you think that will make you happy. Instead, it’s about finding the right exercise and nutrition for YOU, for now.
Be happy. Be healthy. Be you. Own your choices. Adjust when necessary.
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